Purchase of a controlling stake

What is a controlling interest?

A controlling interest is a certain number of shares in a company that gives the owner control over the management and strategic decision-making of the company.

Why is buying a majority stake important?

Buying a majority stake is a strategic move for an investor or company that seeks to gain control of another company. This allows you to manage your business, make key decisions and influence its development.

Steps to purchase a controlling interest

1. Defining goals and strategy

Before you commit to buying a majority stake, you need to define your goals and strategy. This will help you navigate your search for the right company and make informed decisions during the purchasing process.

2. Market research

Research the market to find companies whose stocks align with your goals and strategy. Analyze the financial performance, market position and development prospects of the company.

3. Valuation of shares

Assess the value of the company's shares to determine the appropriate purchase price for a controlling stake. Consider factors such as financial performance, competitive landscape, market trends and forecasts.

4. Negotiations

Contact the shareholders and negotiate the purchase of a controlling stake. Discuss the terms of the deal, including price, terms, payment terms and other important details.

5. Conclusion of the deal

After reaching an agreement with the seller of the shares, enter into a deal to purchase a controlling stake. Contact a professional lawyer or broker to prepare the necessary legal documents and carry out the transaction procedure.


Purchasing a controlling interest represents an important strategic move for an investor or company. This process includes setting goals and strategy, market research, valuing shares, negotiating and closing a deal. When purchasing a controlling stake, it is important to take into account not only financial aspects, but also the strategic perspective of the company.


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