Purchase of shares: documents

1. Passport

One of the main documents required to purchase shares is a passport. When contacting a brokerage company or bank to open an account, you will need to provide a passport for identification.

2. TIN

To purchase shares, you will also need an INN (individual taxpayer number). This is a unique number assigned to every citizen of Russia. A TIN is required to open an investment account and carry out transactions with shares.

3. Agreement with a broker

Before purchasing shares, you must enter into an agreement with a brokerage company. The agreement will specify the conditions and rules for trading shares, broker commissions and other important points. A brokerage agreement is a legal document that governs your relationship with the brokerage company.

4. Application for opening an account

To open an account with a brokerage company or bank, you will need to fill out an application. In the application, you will indicate your personal data, including passport data and tax identification number, and also select the type of account on which shares will be traded.

5. Account opening agreement

After completing the account application, you will be required to sign an account opening agreement. The agreement will specify the terms of use of the account, the rules for storing and processing your personal data, as well as other important provisions.

6. Financial documents

When purchasing shares, you may also be required to provide financial documents to prove your solvency. These could be bank statements, income statements, or other documents that confirm your financial solvency.

7. Transaction confirmation

After purchasing shares, you will be provided with documents confirming the transaction. This can be an electronic or paper brokerage report that contains information about the number and value of shares purchased, the date and time of the transaction, and other important details.

8. Documents for accounting

After purchasing shares, you may also be provided with documents to record your investment. These may be extracts from the register of shareholders or other documents confirming your ownership of shares and rights to dividends and other remuneration.

It is important to remember that the specific paperwork requirements for purchasing shares may vary by country, brokerage firm and type of share. Therefore, before investing, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements and rules established in the relevant jurisdiction.


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