Financial literacy in kindergarten: senior group

Why develop financial literacy in kindergarten?

Financial literacy is an important skill that helps children develop an understanding of money, its value and role in life. In kindergarten, the development of financial literacy can be included in the educational program of the senior group so that children can consciously and responsibly treat financial issues in the future.

Basic principles for developing financial literacy in kindergarten

1. Practical approach: Children should be able to apply what they learn in real-life situations. For example, they can play store where they buy and sell goods using fictitious money.

2. Игровая форма: игры и развлечения помогают детям легче усваивать информацию и развивать навыки. Финансовые игры, такие как “Банк” или “Бюджетный планер”, могут быть включены в занятия старшей группы.

3. Gradual increase in complexity: Financial literacy education should be adapted to the age of children. They may first learn to count coins and bills, and then move on to understanding budgets and managing expenses.

Steps to Develop Financial Literacy in Kindergarten

1. Learning about money: Children should learn about the different denominations of coins and bills and what they look like. Play sets can be used to allow children to practice their banknote recognition skills.

2. Games with money: Conducting games in which children participate in buying and selling goods will help them understand the value of money and the basics of trading.

3. Budget Planner: Kids can create a fictitious budget and plan their spending on various items such as toys or candy. This will help them realize that every item has a price and that money should be spent wisely.

4. Bank: Children can role-play as bankers and customers while learning how to save money and perform simple financial transactions.


Developing financial literacy in senior kindergarten is an important step towards developing a responsible attitude towards money. A hands-on, playful approach and progressive difficulty will help children learn the basics of financial planning and resource management. These skills will benefit them in the future and help them become financially literate adults.


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